i am oficially part of the coffee bean crew.
i went out today.
with sher.
firstly to get my uniform from coffee bean.
i'm sorry. i'm officially on a high.
coffe i think.
went all over town, looking for cloth.
and styrofoam.
when we decided to buy the styrofoam from behind church.
we commited a sin.
we stole!
a pretty wand.
pretty pretty!
and then i went to meet the wonderful anthony.
i called you wonderful!
you really are.
playing pool with desmond in woodlands, come all the way to town just to have dinner with me.
and go back to play soccer again.
sweet or what?
wanted to eat pasta!
but somehow we walked to wheelock for i don't know what. then i had the idea of eating at NYDC!
and we waled all the way to cine for i don't know what reason.
eh, no.
we went to heren first.
so that HE can draw money and we can eat at NYDC.
but the queue was so damn bloody long.
so we decided to go to cine to draw money.
and someone had to have a craving for long johns.
so we missed out on NYDC.
next time sher!
next time.
did i mention something?
sheryl is little BLUE RIDING HOOD.
who goes to CHINATOWN to visit her GRANDPA.
and gets eaten by a WALRUS!
funny ain't it?
don't be emo and sad.
although you don't want to share what happened.
i'm always here alright?
go sleep.
don't think too much about it.
i want to see you smile when i see you alright?
and you owe me skittles!
yes yes you do!
and please try to accept paperback
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